Learn new skills
- How to safely massage your baby
- Techniques to help settle baby when they are feeling out of sorts
- Help baby reach natural development milestones
- Support the bond between you and baby
Support in building confidence
Baby massage is a great way to support both you and your baby.
As with many things parenting is a learning game. There is no playbook that tells you what you need to know. Some of it is intuition, some of it is trial and error.
What matters most is about building confidence and finding out what works best for you and your baby.
Happy Baby
'Oh Baby' - Baby Yoga and Massage is a wonderful way to bond with your baby. It promotes the release of all the natural chemicals that nurture the unique bond between you. It's a safe, fun and nurturing activity that you can take part in together.
The course will be a block of 4 online parent & baby yoga and Massage sessions that you can complete from the comfort of your own home. Family members are welcome to join in.
Supported Parent
We know that it is tough to find the right time in the day (or sometimes even the week!) where baby is receptive to massage so to help with this the sessions will be pre-recorded in advance and released one at a time over the weeks. You will have access to the session for a full week at any time and as often as you like over the course.
Baby massage and Yoga are suitable from around 8 weeks to crawling.
👶Over the course of four weeks we will break down the baby massage routine:
Part 1️⃣ - legs
Part 2️⃣ - arms and torso
Part 3️⃣ - tummy, teething and colic
Part 4️⃣ - full routine
Fit it around you
We will also have a few moves for Mum for post-natal recovery and some movements to promote baby's natural development and the support the unique bonding process.
Each massage session will last 45 minutes and will include a relaxation and mindfulness session for you :)
£5 from each sale will be donated to the Maternity Action charity.